Την πραγματική επιτυχία την απολαμβάνουν όσοι πληρώνουν το τίμημα

Την πραγματική επιτυχία την απολαμβάνουν όσοι πληρώνουν το τίμημα
Αν θέλεις μια ζωή με νόημα, ανέτρεψε την ιδέα ότι όλα γίνονται για κάποιον λόγο...  Επαναπροσδιόρισε! By  Thodoris Tselas Journalist - Communication and Public…
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Knock knock...Hell of Social Media knocking at your door!

Knock knock...Hell of Social Media knocking at your door!
Nothing is closer and goes faster in the world than social media. By  Thodoris Tselas Journalist - Communication and Public Relations G. Manager at Boldone PR …
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Well, always there are a few reasons to reject a job...

Well, always there are a few reasons to reject a job...
You’ve been offered a job—and with the unemployment rate these days, that’s a feat—so, why would you turn it down? Well, there are a few reasons. By  Thodoris …
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